“Keep close to Nature's heart... and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean."

-John Muir

Born and raised in California, painter Bailey Miller has always had nature right at her back door. Her exploration began with road trips along Highway 1, backpacking in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and progressed into adventures that crossed state lines which led her to her new home in the Northwest. Nature has continually had her heart. She was born with a soul for adventure, eager to see the sublime, untouched beauty of God's creation.

Bailey always enjoyed drawing but did not pick up painting until her freshman year of college. She grew up in Norco, California where she put all her childhood time and energy into playing tennis. With great aspirations of becoming a professional tennis player, her goals were abruptly cut short by a career ending injury, which upon high school graduation led her to choosing a university without a tennis team.

< Alabama Hills Sunrise

Bailey attended California State University, Monterey Bay beginning in the fall of 2011 and studied kinesiology with an emphasis in athletic training. Nature was abundant on the Monterey Peninsula, which sparked her adventurous side and led to exploration through driving, hiking, kayaking, and running.  During a freshman year elective class, she received an assignment requiring painting supplies, one thing led to another and before long she was painting landscapes from all of the beautiful places she explored in Northern California. In 2013, she decided to take the plunge and transfer colleges in order to pursue a degree in art.

    She graduated in 2016 from California State University, Fullerton with a degree in Fine Arts. During her education, she explored many avenues in the art world; dabbling in animation, illustration, sculpting, drawing, and of course, painting. The various disciplines allowed Bailey to refine her talents and approach painting with a greater understanding of techniques and the use of color.

She began to develop her own sense of artistic style that embodied a contemporary approach to landscape painting. Early on she had the desire to capture things realistically and to this day views every painting as an opportunity to learn something new and refine her techniques.

“Painting is an ever evolving skill that can truly never be mastered.”  

Cracker Lake, Glacier National Park, MT >

During her college years, Bailey had the opportunity to spend lengths of time on the Monterey Peninsula, the Pismo Beach area, Lake Tahoe, Yosemite, and Laguna Beach; all places that sparked her love for painting her adventures. Those years of exploration inspired her to move to Grover Beach, California at the conclusion of college where she began the first chapter of her fine art career. 

Bailey participated in local art fairs, solo exhibitions and a county wide open studios tour while living on the Central Coast, but two years later, opportunities for an artist in southern California beckoned. At the start of 2018, she packed her bags and moved south to begin her next chapter. 

​Without hesitation, Bailey jumped right in and began displaying her work in gallery exhibitions throughout Orange County, as well as the internationally juried Art-A-Fair in Laguna Beach, and obtained a permanent residency in the Artist Eye Gallery also in Laguna. Bailey has been a member of several fine arts associations, and is currently a member of the Orange County Fine Arts Association. Her work has been published in Local Arts Magazine, Art Patron, American Art Collector Magazine, as well as the Xanadu Gallery Catalogue. Since relocating to the Northwest, she has displayed her work in numerous shows throughout the area and continues to expand.

< Mount Bailey Trail, OR

Bailey’s love of nature and adventure go hand in hand with her passion for painting, with every hike and outdoor exploration, her desire to paint grows. Bailey loves how a painting has the ability to bring to life the memories of an adventure even after it is over. So many paintings she has done over the years have been glimpses into past experiences: a moment of absolute peace on her hike up Mount Whitney, an unforgettable beach scene from a tropical getaway with her family… and the list could go on.

With her creations, Bailey aims to capture a moment, a personal memento that embodies a special place in time. It is through painting her own adventures that she really began doing the same for others with their own memories. She thrives on the joy derived from the unexpected discoveries, the once in a lifetime views and the unforgettable triumphs.

Bailey hopes that no matter how small the adventure may seem, we always remember to collect those special moments, whether in a photo album, a jar, or a painting... Collect them and hold them close, for they are the beams of light that remind us of how good life is, and just how bright and beautiful this world can be. 

...the sea shell from the quiet walk through the fog on Marina State Beach, the family photos on the houseboat at Lake McClure, a scoop of gravel from the summit of your highest hiked peak, the painting of the alpine glow lighting up the sky as you finish your final day of backpacking through the Sierra Nevada…

Wild by Nature